Making A Difference - Focus Communications

Making A Difference

At Focus, we like to try to help other people as often as we can. We often donate our time and talents to important causes and activities in the community. In fact, we have donated our skills to dozens of organizations over the 19 years of our existence. Community service is at the core of our company – it’s part of the Focus DNA and reflects our strong belief in giving back.

We recently were asked to work with the Cure Cancer Foundation on their Jammin’ for a Cure event – a virtual concert held over 18 hours to raise money for cancer research in Alberta. We provided the communications and marketing services for the event, ensuring social media was active and consistent, the graphics were vibrant and eye-catching, and that the website was perfectly developed and user-friendly. The point was to give people a virtual festival while raising funds.

We worked diligently alongside the Cure Cancer Foundation directors to make a great idea come to life in only a few short weeks! We created a website from scratch, built up the social audience, and increased brand awareness for the Cure Cancer Foundation. Not to mention, the event was appreciated by the artists who have not had a chance to perform since the pandemic started.  The event generated a ton of attention and ended up raising over $40,000 in support of cancer research in Alberta.

This is such a rewarding use of our time. Everyone we help is so grateful and kind, the work is going to a great cause, and you know that you’re helping to make someone’s day just a little bit better. Or in this case, changing someone’s life.

If you’re looking for a way to give back, donate your skills! Regardless of what you’re good at, there is an organization out there who would be happy to have you on their side!

If you do volunteer for an organization, let us know which one!

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As a communications professional who has dedicated a significant part of my life to helping organizations build and manage their reputations, I

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