Screen Overload - Focus Communications

Screen Overload

I have been working from home now for the better part of a year, off and on, depending on the current state of restrictions, and screen overload is a real problem these days. I was joking with someone (over Zoom, of course) the other day about how on the weekends I stare at my big screen or my small screen to reward myself for staring at my medium sized screen all week. It’s funny until you realize it’s true and that you almost never give your eyes a break.

To combat this, I have been reading more books, listening to podcasts, and lately, I have taken up a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. What I’ve learned is that I do not have the patience for 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles. But also, how it is really nice to do things in my off time that do not involve watching a screen.

Getting up and walking around a little bit throughout the day is one of my favourite ways to relax my eyes and enhance my ability to concentrate for the remainder of the day. My colleague has a great saying: “the mind can only absorb what the butt can endure.” I love it. I live by it.

So go for a walk, read a book, start a puzzle (good luck), and challenge yourself to do things sans screen, when possible. What are your favourite ways to relax without technology? Please let me know in the comments!

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